My story

Hello and welcome to online home!

I’m Constança and I like to make things with my hands. Actually, I don’t just “like” to make things: I’m passionate about it. Addicted. Obsessed. And I’m on a mission to show you that you can make things too. Everyone is creative. Everyone is capable!

I make things and so can you.

 saidos da concha


I’m happiest when I’m making. Sewing everything under the sun, baking our daily bred and way too many cakes and biscuits, trying to grow things in our garden, foraging and preserving, playing with flowers, printing fabric, upcycling my latest second-hand finds… these are the things that truly bring me joy and fulfilment. They make me independent and they empower me. Making things by hand is truly powerful stuff!




I was born and raised in Lisbon, Portugal, spent an unforgettable semester in Paris as a Law exchange student and lived in a brick cottage in rural England for three amazing  years. Currently I’m based in New Zealand’s North Island, where I’m making a home in a 100-year-old weatherboard villa. I’m the mother of two little boys: Rodrigo was born in England and Pedro in New Zealand.


Constanca Cabral about page


In 2014 I had my first book published. The book is called “Mãos à Obra!” and it’s all about hand-making your way through the four seasons of the year. You can read more about it and buy it here.


capa livro MAOS_A_OBRA


Thank you for being here. I hope you enjoy coming along with me on this journey. If you wish to contact me, drop me an email at


If you want to learn more about me, you can check out these interviews:


In English


Em português

One thought on “My story

  1. Ana Bela says:

    Bem vinda, de volta ao blog para nos encantar, gosto muito de acompanhar o que nos permite vislumbrar dos seus dias, as imagens, as palavras e as sugestões quer na culinária como nas arte manual são lindas, muito obrigada
    Cordiais saudações

    Ana Bela Loureiro


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