Weekender Sunshine Top

Nem acredito que fiz uma t-shirt! O molde é o Weekender Sunshine Top da marca HotPatterns e o tecido foi comprado no John Lewis. Foi a primeira vez que cosi malha (usei uma agulha de ponta redonda) e não achei este projecto especialmente fácil… o molde está bem desenhado mas as explicações são para quem já sabe fazer roupa — por sorte encontrei este passo-a-passo com fotografias. Quando voltar a fazer esta t-shirt vou corrigir os franzidos (acho que deviam estar mais concentradas no meio… assim fazem umas pregas estranhas debaixo dos braços). Mas não deixo de estar contente com o resultado e sinto que conquistei mais um desafio!

I can’t believe I’ve made a t-shirt! The pattern is the Weekender Sunshine Top from HotPatterns and the fabric was bought at John Lewis. This was my first time sewing with knits (I used a ball point needle) and I didn’t find this project particularly easy… the pattern is well drafted but it’s written for people who already know how to sew clothes — luckily I came across this illustrated step-by-step guide. When I make this t-shirt again I’m going to correct the gathering (I think it should be concentrated in the middle and not so much on the sides… I don’t like that strange puckering under the arms). But I’m happy with the result and I feel I’ve conquered yet another sewing challenge!

(photos: Tiago Cabral)

35 thoughts on “Weekender Sunshine Top

  1. Seaweed and Raine says:

    Wootwoo! Look at your girl! You look great in your new top. Well done 🙂 You almost had me wanting to go and make one… but then I'm not sure I'm quite up to that if it is indeed difficult. Looks lovely. 🙂


  2. Fleur de Lin says:

    Wow, well done!
    Sewing one's own clothes + sewing with knits, two tricky challenges indeed. You can be proud of the result 🙂


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